-Pianosound ...the book-
" Piano Dream"
- Commercial story of the piano -
by Atanasio Cecchini
Cecchini Atanasio, the author of the book “Piano Dream” was born in Rimini in 1949. He studied sciences at high school, and took a degree in Industrial Analysis at the University of Bologna.
A historian and an art expert, a profound connoisseur of pianos from the commercial standpoint, philological researcher of ancient instruments, he has also actively collaborated in setting up museums and assembling piano collections.
Author: Cecchini Atanasio
Appendix: Ponzi Flavio
Preface: Airaudo Filippo Maria
Preface: Preti Gaetano Vittorio
Preface: Franco Scala
Introduction: Batocchio Mosè
Musical consultant: Preti Gaetano Vittorio
Technical consultant: Cecchini Orazio
Literary copyright: Pianosound s.r.l.
Supervisor publication: Battocchio Alessandro
Graphic design: Cecchini Fabrizio
  Batocchio Marianna
Images copyright: Pianosound s.r.l.
Publisher: Mosè Edizioni
Photographs: Mosè Foto Design - Cecchini Fabrizio
Education consultant: Preti Gaetano Vittorio
Translator: Monaco Henry
Version: Italian - English
Distributor: Pianosound s.r.l. via Unione Sovietica n° 4 - 47900 Rimini (Rn) Italy
  tel. +39-0541-741452 fax. +39-0541-742662 -- www.pianosound.it info@pianosound.it
"…I felt a great emotion when, in 1983, I bought from John Lennon’s aunt, a splendid Steinway & Sons grand piano, on which the ex-Beatle had composed some of the wonderful songs that everyone knows…"
The book "Piano Dream" tells the commercial story of the piano through the experiences, the joys, the concerns and the dreams of someone who has dedicated his life to searching for antique pianos.
The author, a piano dealer, but especially a lover of the instrument, by virtue of his profession, has had the chance to buy, sell, collect and analyse thousands of pianos of every make and era. The book gives us a glimpse into the business side of pianos that would otherwise be difficult to imagine. Atanasio Cecchini recounts the history of the piano together with his actual experiences of business life, with its related anecdotes, memories and feelings, leading the reader along a marvellous journey in time in the midst of musicians, dealers and piano makers. "Piano Dream" is also a working tool for the people in the trade, a useful handbook replete with thousands of technical data and hundreds of photographs. The author of "Piano Dream" has also benefited from the invaluable collaboration of the pianist and restorer Flavio Ponzi, who in the essay contained in the appendix, provided the reader with a detailed account of his experiences as a philological and scientific restorer of some historical pianos that can also be played in piano recitals. "Piano Dream" is more than a book: it is love for the piano, it is a life fulfilled, it is friendship, it is an extraordinary working experience, it is an essential instrument of knowledge for musicians, restorers, dealers and piano-lovers everywhere.
First impression March 2004 copyright Pianosound.
Pianosound s.r.l. Via Cella Raibano 41, Misano Adriatico 47843 (Rn) Italy P.iva. 02117690400
Tel. +39 0541 697856 - 0541 695653 --- Fax +39 0541 694510 e-mail: info@pianosound.it